Before you order, please make sure to have read the below terms of service. These terms apply to all artwork purchased from Studio Georgina


If you have a problem with any of these terms, they may be changed if discussed in advance



  • All illustrations will have a subtle sign that you may not remove
  • The drawing process may be recorded and posted to social media
  • The illustration may be posted to social media upon completion unless otherwise agreed
  • Prices are subject to change based on demand
  • Studio Georgina have the right to refuse any order request


  • Payment is due upfront, pricing is in sterling (£)
  • The illustration of the commissions will begin only after payment has been received

PROCESS AND DELIVERY (for commissions only)

  • Studio Georgina will share updates with the customer throughout the artistic process and to gauge feedback and ensure mutual satisfaction
  • Timeframe may vary but will be established in preliminary emails 
  • Completion for the illustration may be vary from 1-5 working days subject to factors including (but not limited to) complexity of the commissioned piece, other work, and special holiday seasons
  • Should any changes to timeframe become apparent, Studio Georgina will approach the customer immediately and share an updated delivery date
  • The customer may share a requested delivery date and Studio Georgina will try to accommodate the request but this is not garaunteed 
  • For digital files, the customer will receive  the full-resolution png image file in two color profiles: cmyk for printing and rgb for digital purposes note that there is no physical product unless previously stated


  • Unless otherwise agreed, the customer is permitted one complementary revision
  • Additional fees will apply for further revisions unless misunderstandings have occurred from the perspective of Studio Georgina


Studio Georgina claim the rights to the produced illustration

Studio Georgina may use the copyrighted artwork to:

  • Promote the work wherever it is deemed appropriate including but not limited to 
    display/post it to social media and the Studio Georgina website 

The buyer is allowed to:

  • Use the commissioned piece for personal use only unless agreed otherwise post and print the artwork without claiming it as their own creation
    use the artwork to promote themselves. Full credit is not required but much appreciated if you share the artwork online

The following is considered copyright infringement:

  • Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially – as in making money off it in any way claiming the artwork as the customer’s own
  • Removing the applied  signature from the artwork, altering the artwork without the consent of Studio Georgina

Studio Georgina reserve the full rights to the image and its use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon

The license for commercial purposes may be purchased at any time, please email georgina@studiogeorgina.com for further information


If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please email as soon as possible so a solution can be developed with both the creator and right away so we can find a solution together


Studio Georgina may be willing to change some of the above terms if discussed before purchase



  • After the illustration has begun, refunds are not permitted
  • If, for any reason, Studio Georgina are unable to complete the illustration, the customer will be notified immediately and a full refund will be issued

Studio Georgina x

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